Episode 4
Ep. 04: Why You Shouldn't Let Other People's Opinions Influence Your Business Decisions.
In this week's episode Lauren discusses when (and why) NOT to listen to other people's opinions on your business.
Allure's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/allure_lashbeautybar
Everything Lauren Lappin: https://www.laurenlappin.com.au
This Episode was Recorded and Produced by Josh Liston at DeadsetPodcasting.com
This episodes theme music (Title: 'Highlander'') is from the amazing 'Scandianvianz'.
Check them out on YouTube here and Subscribe to their Playlists: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NIGxBs8IPHM&list=PLzCxunOM5WFLOaTRCzeGrODz8TWaLrbhv&index=24